Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Self Portrait As A Memory I Don't Remember

When I was 11 months old I almost choked to death on a penny that I had swallowed. I do not remember this actual event because I was too young but the recollections and stories of the incident have etched a false memory in my mind. These photographs deal with that false memory and how my mind now remembers the event.


I have dealt with depression almost my entire life and coping with the stresses of going to college and trying to lead a normal life can sometimes make it worse. With this piece I used my Holga medium format camera as a mirror. Looking into this mirror I show the process of how I feel when I become depressed and the anxiety I go through when I feel this way. I feel worthless and sad but in the end I realize that everything will be o.k. and I can face the world again.

Through my Suitcase

Moving can be one of the most stressful times in a person's life. I moved for the first time in my life when I was seven, then for the second time when I was twenty-two. The second time moving for me marked an eventful stage in my life, I was going to be on my own, I was growing up. I moved from a quiet house on the top of a mountain to a small apartment in the middle of a noisy city. With this major move in my life, came repressed anxiety and depression. Going back recently to my mothers' house, I found that my room was now the guest room, and that I had lost a space that used to be mine in her home. My photographs were made with a homemade pinhole camera made out of an old suitcase I found in my basement. With these photographs I wanted to capture my thoughts and feelings about my experiences and share them.